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Anchor-Lock: Bicycle Saddle and Post Theft Guard
© Copyright 2005-2008 Fore-thought Designs™ All Rights Reserved.
The Anchor Lock:
An anti-theft locking device for bicycle
saddles and seat posts. The simple
device can be installed by the
consumer inside the bicycle's frame
and is inaccessible to tampering.
Mechanical details of this invention are confidential. A complete disclosure is available to interested
manufacturers under our conditions of confidentiality. Please contact us for more information.
The Anchor-Lock prototype demonstrates the inability to
remove the seat post from a bicycle's frame and the saddle
from the seat post. Both however, can be easily removed by
the owner.
External cable
locking devices for
expensive saddles
and seat posts are
easily sheared with
ordinary wire
The Anchor Lock:

An internal anti-theft
locking device for
bicycle saddles and
seat posts. The simple
device can be installed
by the consumer inside
the bicycle's frame and
is inaccessible to
Invest in solutions.