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Excerpted from Industrial Design retrospective article on bicycle design.
ABC'S Good Morning America: Joan Lunden rides the CM-1000 in Central Park, NY. Audience: 14,100,000.
Cable Drive Transmission:

Cable Drive Bicycles, by Steven Tidcomb
The original concept, the "Commuter" was the result of my senior thesis while at college. Its primary purpose was to provide a portable vehicle, to be used in combination with public transit and automobiles. It featured a flat-folding pedaling mechanism that used cable instead of the chain and sprocket system used on bicycles. The bicycle was powered by an upright riders stepping motion, which maximized visibility, comfort and safety. See details.

After college I began working on an improved design and a US Patent application. The invention gained notoriety in several trade industry publications, and resulted in founding Creative Motion Industries Inc. (CMI). I partnered with others, raised approximately 1 million dollars, formed a corporation and received U.S. and foreign patents. The companies plan was to initially introduce a compact commuting bicycle and to sub-license the Cable Drive patent to outside toy and wheelchair manufacturers. We developed the CM-1000 seen here and other products for license. See details.

The design was featured in over 60 magazine articles worldwide and TV interviews across the country including ABC's "Good Morning America". It attracted international interest including mail order magazines like Shaper Image, Hammacher Schlemmer and Abercrombie & Fitch. The CM-1000 was introduced locally through Jordan Marsh department stores. Shortly thereafter the company was unfortunately forced to cease production when the “Bank of Boston” unexpectedly called back a loan forcing CMI out of business.

The "Urban" was the second prototype to use the Cable Drive system.
The "CM1000"- First generation, Cable Drive Bicycle.
Creative Motion Industries Inc. -Product testing and production facility in Danvers MA.
© Copyright 2005-2010 Fore-thought Designs™ All Rights Reserved.
The CM-1000 bicycle was featured in over 60 magazine articles worldwide.
"Experience is
something you
don't get until just
after you need it".
The "CM1000"- Cable Drive Bicycle compacted in car.
U.S Patent
The "Commuter" was the first vehicle to use the flat-folding, "Cable Drive" pedaling system.
The "CM-1000" third generation, pre-production prototype.
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