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Send us your product wish list .

Thanks for taking time to visit our website. If you have already seen our invention list, you know that we are presently working on a wide variety of products. But perhaps you have not found precisely what you are looking for. Actually, most successful products are initiated by people working within a particular industry or directly with consumers. It is often in those rolls that people such as yourself become aware of market needs, or problems in need of solutions.

As an Industrial Designer, I hear both the praise and complaints that end users have for particular products. And being a designer, I have the creative skills and manufacturing knowledge to develop viable design solutions in response to those observations.

We would value any guidance you might offer in choosing particular product areas on which to focus, or specific market needs that you have identified through your industry experience. Together, we can consider how to improve your existing products, or how to create entirely new ones. This would certainly help us to narrow the focus of our design development initiatives, and to develop the products for which you are more likely to have an interest.

We would like to develop a relationship with you and your company, and are confident that you would consider adding those new products to your present line. I hope you can take some time to consider this opportunity and I look forward to speaking with you at your earliest convenience.


Steven Tidcomb


We invite you to let us know of your specific product design needs. The link below launches your email program allowing you to keep a copy for your records. Please do not submit unprotected inventions or other information which you consider confidential.

Please call us with your specific design requirements. We will respond to your inquiry in one of two ways:

1. A message directing you to a specific link on our site that matches your interest, or...

2. A message stating that we currently have no invention matching your query, an indication of our interest level in developing a design that addresses your needs, and if applicable, at some later time an invitation to evaluate a design solution that we have developed in response to your inquiry. You of course, would be under no obligation in any way.

Fore-thought Designs will also consider providing a "Mutual Confidentiality Agreement" if necessary, to enable a reciprocal exchange of creative ideas and intellectual property.

Invest in solutions.